
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Love: Links! Shoes, Booze, Ooohs and Ahhhs


In the Shoeniverse…

My Life in Heels pic[10]The Shoe Girl stirred up a bit of controversy by observing (cough) similarities between a few Jeffrey Campbell designs and their high end predecessors. She also made me fall in love with Cece L’amour in the process.


Pumpsicle pic[10]Pumpsicle suggested celebrating the 4th of July all week long by wearing “Firecracker Footwear”. Did you wear red, white and blue for Independence Day? I did… all weekend.



Shoe Smitten Louboutin[7]Shoe Smitten picked her first pair of Louboutins. Apparently, my sole sister has a 25th birthday on the horizon… Go give her some bday love, OK?




Queen in Heels Pic[5]Queen in Heels shared her inspirations for writing, blogging and personal style. In doing so, she suggested a couple of places you may find inspiration, too. Where do you most often find things that get your creative cogs going?


Styleite Jason Wu Melissa[11]Styleite gave us the heads up on Jason Wu’s collaboration with Melissa Shoes. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty excited about this pairing.



In the Spirits World…

Alcademics Diageo India ShoesNBooze[5]Alcademics went to New Delhi, India for the Diageo Reserve World Class Global Final 2011 cocktail competition. (I’m currently suffering from severe travel envy.)



**Want a shout for your shoe or booze blog??? Drop me a line. I can’t promise that I’ll list everyone, but if it tickles my fancy, I’ll point my readers in your direction.


  1. Aww thanks for the birthday link love! xx I can't wait for the Louboutins to arrive this week!!!

  2. Love it. Thank you for the link love. I missed this Saturdays links :(

    Now to click through them all and find new blogs to read :)

  3. I love those black Christian Louboutins stilettos :)

  4. I think that mixing the Queen in Heels and booze would end poorly for me... haha, love the links!
